Battles are not only fought directly like normal, but control of the weather is a very big deal. Order and Chaos: New region, new story, new pokemon. Cyan: Similiar to Sienna, but less complete. But nearly same story and map as the originals. Most Fakemon are hybrids of Pokemon mixed with Digimon. Currently apart from Ausitto and Divaevus, no other Fakemon are obtainable in the game. The whole region has extreme seasons and weather that has filled the Pokémon here with a sort of 'weather energy', Which allows Castform to change into more forms than it usually can. Both more or less just replace the pokedex with fakemon, and add 2 new types. Thesuzerain has released information that besides the 649 pokemon in the game there will also be a few Fakemon, which are Pokemon that do not appear in any other Pokemon game.*During the events of the game, Amaze-All creates the entirely new Pokémon, Ωrogon, a Normal/Electric type. Here is a list of all the Pokémon found in this region The starting town is known as Shayklind, and in this town the player will get to pick one of the following starters Not much is out about the details of the fan-game just yet, but it will release under two titles It was created by Austin as a sort of 'dream concept' of what he would want to see in a game, filled with a new region, Pokémon, mechanics, plot points, legendaries, and variants. The fan-game is currently in development by a large group of creators, but information can be found on the regions YouTube playlist! This is a region based on the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. The Kaskade region is a constant weather-changing fan-made region made by Austin Lockwood from the Lockstin & Gnoggin YouTube channel.

The types of games you might want to watch out for are console/PC ports such as Witcher 3, which may have darker, more adult content. MonsterMMORPG Pokemon Fakemon Game List Monsters.
Pokemon obsidian fakemon game download series#
Currently adding info from all the playlists (Finished 0/19) Games are also split between core series games and spin-off games. So I decided I will spend a lot of my vacation time working on a page myself! I am on vacation however for two weeks so work may be slow, but I am working! So PLEASE do not add onto this unless I allow you to do so, cause if you do it will immediately be deleted and re-worked. NOTE This Wiki page is in HEAVY work-in-progress, I wanted to make this because I'm a huge fan of the Kaskade region but the existing Wiki pages are um.